Thank you to the Harris Museum and visitors

           . . . . . . Armed with fresh jelly and on to the Harris Museum and Art Gallery!

Saturday began in glorious calm (it's a real delight to experience any museum or art gallery 'out of hours') as I laid out my tools for the day ahead.  Minor adaptations made (from things learnt at Bartle Hall) included pre-mixing a number of colours (from three basic food colourings) to colour-wash the clear base jelly - making it quicker for myself and keen volunteers to apply thus speeding up the process.

The Edwin Beattie exhibition provided an excellent context for our day of map-making the past, present and future (of Nether Bartle) with much discussion generally about change/development.  

During the final hour a number of families with children entered into the role of developers and identified land they would build on . . . (and land they could not because it lies under the pylons and has been designated as a Green Corridor or Western Park) . . . and estates of jelly dwellings populated the fields; some stacked high, some packed tight against the next, others nestled under the base of the two only slight hills on the map - which no-one had chosen to build on - (however a labyrinth was cut into one).

Sincere thanks to the Harris for the opportunity to perform Setting in Place in the gallery and to everyone who came.  
