Thank you Bartle Hall and visitors!

We had a wonderful day at Bartle Hall; the base of 20 litres of clear jelly had set overnight and thanks to careful handling by Bartle Hall staff was moved into a position aligned with north (making a jaunty angle with the room) before we started work on it.

Throughout the day people came, debated and contributed to the jellied map; excavating marl pits, piping veteran trees, establishing a ha-ha, colour-washing semi-improved pasture, ploughing furrows, marking the route made by cows coming in for milking . . . . local people gave us tales; of skating on ponds, playing in copses, watching bats swoop at dusk, ancient tunnels, colourful characters, a commemorative tree, fascinating family histories and medieval locations.

Thank you to Bartle Hall for providing such a wonderful and welcoming venue and a huge thank you to everyone who came . . . . . . and helped to clear it all away!
